Frequently asked questions

How will I get the PDF after purchase?

The PDF download links will be emailed to your given email ID at the checkout as soon as the purchase is made.

What if I entered the wrong email ID while making a PDF purchase?

Contact us at along with the Order Number and Full Name used at the checkout.

What if I can't purchase in GBP (British Pounds)?

Please reach us at shapingpixel@gmail we will try to arrange payment in your local currency.

I can't find the exam PDF I'm looking for?

We are trying to update the website with the latest content as soon as possible. Please reach us at to request your preferred exam content.

How long is the PDF access?

The purchased PDF is accessible lifetime.

Will there be questions and answers in the PDF?

Yes, the PDF has questions solved.

Where will I find my PDF after purchase?

Contact us at along with the Order Number and Full Name used at the checkout.

I paid but still did not receive any PDF email/unable to access my PDF links. What to do?

You will find the PDF links sent to your email (Please check SPAM before raising a request).

Could I use the Paypal Payment option?

Yes, Please email for instructions.

Could I use the UPI Payment option from India?

Yes, Please email for instructions.